Do you find hard to shop at your local shops?
Local Shop Hub brings the shopping experience of all your favourite local shops, services and other businesses to one place - to your Local Shop Hub. Shopping Local has never been easier before.
Have you ever been shopping at local shops and businesses?
Take away, hairdresser/barber, beauty shop, homeware, giftware, dog groomer, etc?
Book appointment for your Beauty Salon, order items for click&collect or simply get them delivered straight to your door.
Come and find them in Local Shop Hub!
We bring them to your Local Shop Hub making shopping easier for you.
Book appointments at your Hairdresser, search for gifts, order your evening meal from your favourite take away. All from one place - from your Local Shop Hub.
It is not another listing site, it is Your Local Shop Hub.
Follow these easy steps:
1) Register your Hub account
2) Set up your favourite Location(s) and shops/businesses
3) Start shopping
Local Shop Hub offers a brilliant online shopping experience from your favourite local shops, services and other businesses to one place - your Local Shop Hub. Shopping Local has never been easier before.
Do you shop in your favourite Local Shops?
Do you find it difficult to shop local after Ireland is getting reopened?
Local Shop Hub tries to do everything for Customers to make their experience magical therefore their lives bit easier in terms of local shopping.
Have you ever been shopping in Local Shops? Did you use Local Businesses' services? Probably yes. And have you found it sometimes bit tricky or difficult to find something what you were looking for? You needed to order it but it took a while?
Or you ran to 3 or 4 similar shops nearby to find your item (or maybe you haven't even found after 4 shops)?
Especially recent Covid 19 pandemic that closed almost all business for months, it affected local small businesses the most - many of them closed down permanently.
Also, Customers may not want to do similar runs between local shops to find their best items. It's tiring, takes so much time....
Have you recognized yourself in any of the sentences above?
Then, Local Shop Hub is here just for you.
Local Shop Hub is a Community site that connect Local Businesses, local Shops with their Customers.
It is strictly NOT a marketplace, but something that Customers have done while walking in the town.
The main thing is you can find your nearby businesses - every local business appreciates support - especially these hard times.
So simply add your location where you are looking for local businesses around.
Then, it's optional, you can select the type of businesses you'd like to search for.